The EEA Grants CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2018 – Collaborative Research Projects – deadline 1 oct.2018
Proposals for Research Projects shall be submitted by a consortium comprising at least one Romanian and at least one Donor States entity (from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein). For each proposal, the Project Partners shall designate a Project Promoter (PP) which has the scientific and administrative responsibility for the project, and shall submit the proposal on their behalf.
The Project Promoter shall be a Romanian research organization.
For each research project, the Project Promoter designates a Principal Investigator (PI), a researcher who provides the scientific lead of the research project on a daily basis.
Project budget: min.500,000 Euro, max. 1,500,000 Euro. Duration: up to 48 months, with a possible extension of 12 months, no additional funds.
Thematic areas:
- Energy;
- Environment;
- C. Health;
- Developing patient-centred strategies to fight cancer;
- Translational medicine in regenerative medicine, neurodegenerative and rare diseases;
- Improving public health by implementing evidence-based preventive strategies;
- Roma inclusion and empowerment.
- Social sciences and humanities, including gender studies and social inclusion studies;
- ICT;
- Biotechnology.
The EEA Mobility Grants CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2018 – deadline until the depletion of the available budget but no later than 14 th of September 2018
- Scope
The call aims to facilitate establishment of bilateral partnerships between researchers from the Donor States and Romania in order to submit a collaborative research proposal funded under
EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
- Objectives of the call
– To strengthen the cooperation and to increase mutual knowledge and understanding between research teams from Romania and the Donor States (Norway, Iceland and
– To identify potential partners for preparation of collaborative research proposals, having a common research interest;
– To exchange relevant experience and best practices.
- Budget : 70,000Euro (total for this call)
Mobility grant is awarded for one researcher from Romania, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, as follows:
Max. EUR 1.200 for a researcher who travels from Romania to Norway or from Norway to Romania;
Max. EUR 1.500 for a researcher who travels from Romania to Iceland or from Iceland to Romania;
Max. EUR 1.000 for a researcher who travels from Romania to Liechtenstein or from Liechtenstein to Romania.
It is estimated that a maximum of 10 mobilities for each thematic area will be awarded.