The EEA Grants CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2018 –  Collaborative Research Projects – deadline 1 oct.2018

Proposals  for  Research  Projects  shall  be  submitted by  a  consortium  comprising  at  least  one Romanian and at least one Donor States entity (from  Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein). For each proposal, the Project Partners shall designate a Project Promoter (PP) which has the scientific and  administrative  responsibility for  the  project, and  shall  submit  the  proposal  on  their  behalf.

The Project Promoter shall be a Romanian research organization.

For  each  research  project,  the  Project  Promoter  designates  a Principal  Investigator  (PI),  a researcher who provides the scientific lead of the research project on a daily basis.

Project budget: min.500,000 Euro, max. 1,500,000 Euro. Duration: up to 48 months, with a possible extension of 12 months, no additional funds.

Thematic areas:

  1. Energy;
  2. Environment;
  3. C. Health;
  • Developing patient-centred strategies to fight cancer;
  • Translational medicine in regenerative medicine, neurodegenerative and rare diseases;
  • Improving public health by implementing evidence-based preventive strategies;
  • Roma inclusion and empowerment.
  1.  Social sciences and humanities, including gender studies and social inclusion studies;
  2. ICT;
  3. Biotechnology.


The EEA Mobility Grants CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2018 – deadline until the depletion of the available budget but no  later than 14 th of September 2018 

  1. Scope 

The call aims to facilitate establishment of bilateral partnerships between researchers from the Donor States and Romania in order to submit a collaborative research proposal funded under

EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

  1.  Objectives of the call

– To  strengthen  the  cooperation  and  to  increase  mutual  knowledge  and  understanding between  research  teams  from  Romania  and  the  Donor  States  (Norway,  Iceland  and


– To identify potential partners for preparation of collaborative research proposals, having a common research interest;

– To exchange relevant experience and best practices.

  1. Budget : 70,000Euro (total for this call)

Mobility grant is awarded for one researcher from Romania, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, as follows:

Max.  EUR  1.200  for  a  researcher  who  travels  from  Romania  to  Norway  or  from Norway to Romania;

Max.  EUR  1.500  for  a  researcher  who  travels  from  Romania  to  Iceland  or  from Iceland to Romania;

Max. EUR 1.000 for a researcher who travels from Romania to Liechtenstein or from Liechtenstein to Romania.

It is estimated that a maximum of 10 mobilities for  each thematic area will be awarded.